Friday, September 27, 2013

Broker-Node interaction and visibility - Debugging "missing" cartridges on a node.

In the previous post I set up the end-point messaging for OpenShift. (Broker -> Messaging -> Node). I showed a simple use of the MCollective mco command and where the MCollective log files are. The last step was to send an echo message to the OpenShift agent on an OpenShift node and get the response back.

Now I have my OpenShift broker and node set up (I think) but something's not right and I have to figure out what.

DISCLAIMER: this post isn't a "how to" it's a mostly-stream-of-consciousness log of my attempt to answer a question and understand what's going on underneath.  It's messy.  It may cast light on some of the moving parts.  It may also lead me to a confrontation with The Old Man From Scene 24 and we all know how that ends. You have been warned.

In the paragraphs below I include a number of CLI invocations and their responses.  I include a prompt at the beginning of each one to indicate where (on which host) the CLI command is running.

  • broker$ - the command is running on my OpenShift broker host
  • node$ - the command is running on my OpenShift node host
  • dev$ - the command is running on my laptop

I've also got a copy of the origin-server source code checked out from the repository on Github.

I've got my rhc client already configured for my test user (cleverly named 'testuser') and my broker (using the libra_server variable). See ~/.openshift/express.conf if needed.

What's going on here?

I started trying to access the Broker with the rhc CLI command to create a user, register a namespace and then create an application. I'd like to create a python app and I've installed the openshift-origin-cartridge-python package to provide that app framework. But when I try to create my app I'm told that Python is not available:

client$ rhc create-app testapp1 python
Short Name Full name
========== =========

There are no cartridges that match 'python'.

So I figure I'll ask what cartridges ARE available:

client$ rhc cartridges

Note: Web cartridges can only be added to new applications.

Now, when I look for cartridge packages on the node I get a different answer:

node$ rpm -qa | grep cartridge

Somehow, when the broker is asking the node to list its cartridges, the node isn't answering correctly. Why?

I'm going to see if I can observe the broker making the query to list the nodes and then see if I can determine where the node is (or isn't) getting its answer.

Refresher: MCollective RPC and OpenShift

MCollective is really an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) mechanism. It defines the interface for a set of functions to be called on the remote machine. The client submits a function call which is sent to the server. The server executes the function on behalf of the client and then returns the result.

The OpenShift client adds one more level of indirection and I want to get that out of the way. I can look at the logs on the broker and node to see what activity was caused when the rhc command issued the cartridge list query.

The broker writes its logs into several files in /var/log/openshift/broker. You can see the REST queries arrive and resolve in the Rails log file /var/log/openshift/broker/production.log.

broker$ sudo tail /var/log/openshift/broker/production.log
2013-09-26 17:54:06.445 [INFO ] Started GET "/broker/rest/api" for at 2013-09-26 17:54:06 +0000 (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.447 [INFO ] Processing by ApiController#show as JSON (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.453 [INFO ] Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 3.6ms) (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.469 [INFO ] Started GET "/broker/rest/api" for at 2013-09-26 17:54:06 +0000 (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.470 [INFO ] Processing by ApiController#show as JSON (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.476 [INFO ] Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 3.8ms) (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.504 [INFO ] Started GET "/broker/rest/cartridges" for at 2013-09-26 17:54:06 +0000 (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.507 [INFO ] Processing by CartridgesController#index as JSON (pid:16730)
2013-09-26 17:54:06.509 [INFO ] Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.4ms) (pid:16730)

From that I can see that my rhc calls are arriving and apparently the response is being returned OK.

The default settings for the MCollective client (on the OpenShift broker) don't go to a log file. I can check the OpenShift node though to see what's happened there and if it has received a query for the list of installed cartridges.

node$ sudo grep cartridge /var/log/mcollective.log | tail -3
I, [2013-09-26T17:10:23.696825 #9827]  INFO -- : openshift.rb:1217:in `cartridge_repository_action' action: cartridge_repository_action, agent=openshift, data={:action=>"list", :process_results=>true}
I, [2013-09-26T17:29:10.768487 #9827]  INFO -- : openshift.rb:1217:in `cartridge_repository_action' action: cartridge_repository_action, agent=openshift, data={:action=>"list", :process_results=>true}
I, [2013-09-26T17:29:24.957806 #9827]  INFO -- : openshift.rb:1217:in `cartridge_repository_action' action: cartridge_repository_action, agent=openshift, data={:action=>"list", :process_results=>true}

This too looks like the message has been received and processed properly and returned.

Hand Crafting An mco Message

Here's where that MCollective RPC interface definition comes in. I can look at that to see how to generate the cartridge list query using mco so that I can observe both ends and track down what's happening.

There are really two things to look for here:

  1. What message is sent (and how do I duplicate it)?
  2. What action does the agent take when it receives the message?

For part one, MCollective defines the RPC interfaces in a file with a .ddl extension.  Looking for one of those in the openshift-server Github repository finds me this: origin-server/msg-common/agent/openshift.ddl 

Of particular interest are lines 390-397. These define the cartridge_repository action and the set of operations it can perform: install, list, erase

Taking that, I can craft an mco rpc message to duplicate what the broker is doing when it queries the nodes:

mco rpc openshift cartridge_repository action=list
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1

 * [ ==========================================================> ] 1 / 1 

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 32.15 ms

Yep, it still says "none".  When I go back and look at the logs, it shows the same query I was looking at, so I think I got that right.

But What Does It DO?

Now that I can send the query message, I need to find out what happens on the other end to generate the response.  My search begins in the node messaging plugin for MCollective, particularly in the agent module code (in plugins/msg-node/mcollective/src/openshift.rb).  This defines a function cartridge_repository_action which... doesn't actually do the work, but points me to the next piece of code which actually does implent the function.

It appears that the OpenShift node implements a class ::OpenShift::Runtime::CartridgeRepository which is a factory for an object that actually produces the answer. A quick look in the source repository shows me the file that defines the CartridgeRepository class.

dev$ cd ~/origin-server
dev$ find . -name \*.rb | xargs grep 'class CartridgeRepository' 
./node/test/functional/cartridge_repository_func_test.rb:  class CartridgeRepositoryFunctionalTest < NodeTestCase
./node/test/functional/cartridge_repository_web_func_test.rb:class CartridgeRepositoryWebFunctionalTest < OpenShift::NodeTestCase
./node/test/unit/cartridge_repository_test.rb:class CartridgeRepositoryTest < OpenShift::NodeTestCase
./node/lib/openshift-origin-node/model/cartridge_repository.rb:    class CartridgeRepository

So, on the node, when a query is received for the list of cartridges that is present, the MCollective agent for OpenShift creates one of the CartridgeRepository objects and then asks it for the list.

A quick look at the cartridge_repository.rb file on Github is enlightening. First, the file has 60 lines of excellent commentary before the code starts. Line 86 indicates that the CartridgeRepository object will look for cartridges in /var/lib/openshift/.cartridge_repository (while noting that this location should be configurable in the /etc/openshift/node.conf someday). And lines 170-189 define the install method which seems to populate the cartridge_repository from some directory which is provided as an argument.

But when does CartridgeRepository.install get invoked? Well, since CartridgeRespository is a factory and a Singleton (which provides the instance() method for initialization) I can look for where it's instantiated:

dev$ find . -type f | xargs grep -l OpenShift::Runtime::CartridgeRepository.instance | grep -v /test/

Note that I remove all of the files in the test directories using grep -v /test/. What remains are the working files which actually instantiate a CartridgeRepository object.  If I also check for a call to the install() method, the list is reduced to one file:

find . -type f | xargs grep  OpenShift::Runtime::CartridgeRepository.instance | grep -v /test/  | grep install
./plugins/msg-node/mcollective/src/openshift.rb:              ::OpenShift::Runtime::CartridgeRepository.instance.install(path)

So, it looks like the node messaging module is what populates the OpenShift cartridge repository.  When I looked earlier though, it didn't seem to have done that.  Messaging is running and I've installed cartridge RPMs and I can successfully query for (what turns out to be) an empty database of cartridge information.

Finally! When I look at plugins/msg-node/mcollective/src/openshift.rb lines 26-45 I find what I'm looking for. CartridgeRepository.install is called when the MCollective openshift agent is loaded. That is: when the MCollective service starts.

It turns out that I'd started and began testing the MCollective service before installing any of the OpenShift cartridge packages. Restarting MCollective populates the .cartridge_repository directory and now my mco rpc queries indicate the cartridges I've installed.

Verifying the Change

So, I think, based on the code I've found, that when I restart the mcollective daemon on my OpenShift node, it will look in /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges and it will use the contents to populate /var/lib/openshift/.cartridge_repository (not sure why that's hidden, but..).

node$ ls /var/lib/openshift/.cartridge_repository
redhat-cron  redhat-php  redhat-python


Now when I query with mco, I should see those.  And I do:

broker$ mco rpc openshift cartridge_repository action=list
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1

 * [ ==========================================================> ] 1 / 1 
   output: (redhat, php, 5.5, 0.0.5)
           (redhat, python, 2.7, 0.0.5)
           (redhat, python, 3.3, 0.0.5)
           (redhat, cron, 1.4, 0.0.6)

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 29.41 ms

I suspect that the OpenShift broker also caches these values, so I might have to restart the openshift-broker service on the broker host as well.  Then I can use rhc in my development environment to see what cartridges I can use to create an application.

dev$ rhc cartridges
php-5.5    PHP 5.5    web
python-2.7 Python 2.7 web
python-3.3 Python 3.3 web
cron-1.4   Cron 1.4   addon

Note: Web cartridges can only be added to new applications.

And when I try to create a new application:

$ rhc app-create testapp1 python-2.7

Application Options
  Namespace:  testns1
  Cartridges: python-2.7
  Gear Size:  default
  Scaling:    no

Creating application 'testapp1' ... done

Waiting for your DNS name to be available ...

Well, that's better than before!

What I learned:

  • rhc is configured using ~/.openshift/express.conf
  • look at the logs
    • OpenShift broker: /var/log/openshift/broker/production.log
    • mcollective server: /var/log/mcollective.log
  • the mcollective client mco can be used to simulate broker activity
    • mco plugin doc - list all plugins available
    • mco plugin doc openshift - list OpenShift RPC actions and parameters
    • mco rpc openshift cartridge_repository action=list
      query all nodes for their cartridge repository contents
  • source code is useful
    • OpenShift source repository:
    • judicious use of find and grep can narrow problem searches
  • cartridge RPMs are installed in /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges
  • cartridges are "installed" in /var/lib/openshift/.cartridge_repository
  • adding cartridges to a node requires a restart for the mcollective service

Monday, September 23, 2013

OpenShift Support Services: Messaging Part 2 (MCollective)

About a year ago I did a series of posts on verifying the plugin operations for OpenShift Origin support services. I showed how to check the datastore (mongodb) and DNS updates and how to set up an ActiveMQ message broker , but I when I got to actually sending and receiving messages I got stuck.

The Datastore and DNS services use a single point-to-point connection between the broker and the update server. The messaging services use an intermediate message broker (ActiveMQ, not to be confused with the OpenShift broker). This means that I need to configure and check not just one points, but three:

  • Mcollective client to (message) broker (on OpenShift broker)
  • Mcollective server to (message) broker (on OpenShift node)
  • End to End

I'm using the ActiveMQ message broker to carry MCollective RPC messages. The message broker is interchangeable. MCollective can be carried over any one of several messaging protocols. I'm using the Stomp protocol for now, though MCollective is deprecating Stomp in favor of a native ActiveMQ (AMQP?) messaging protocol.

OpenShift Messaging Components
OpenShift Messaging Components

In a previous post I set up an ActiveMQ message broker to be used for communication between the OpenShift broker and nodes. In this one I'm going to connect the OpenShift components to the messaging service, verify both connections and then verify that I can send messages end-to-end.

Hold on for the ride, it's a long one (even for me)

Mea Culpa: I'm referring to what MCollective does as "messaging" but that's not strictly true. ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, QPID are message broker services. MCollective uses those, but actually, MCollective is an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system. Proper messaging is capable of much more than MCollective requires, but to avoid a lot of verbal knitting I'm being lazy and calling MCollective "messaging".

The Plan

Since this is a longer process than any of my previous posts, I'm going to give a little road-map up front so you know you're not getting lost on the way. Here are the landmarks between here and a working OpenShift messaging system:
  1. Ingredients: Gather configuration information for messaging setup.
  2. Mcollective Client -
    Establish communications between the Mcollective client  and the ActiveMQ server
    (OpenShift broker host to message broker host)
  3. MCollective Server -
    Establish communications beween the MCollective server and the ActiveMQ server
    (OpenShift node host to message broker host)
  4. MCollective End-To-End -
    Verify MCollective communication from client to server
  5. OpenShift Messaging and Agent -
    Install OpenShift messaging interface definition and agent packages on both OpenShift broker and node


Message Bus
topic usernamemcollective
topic passwordmarionette
admin passwordmsgadminsecret
Message End
  • A running ActiveMQ service
  • A host to be the MCollective client (and after that an OpenShift broker)
  • A host to run the MCollective service (and after that an OpenShfit node)
On the Mcollective client host, install these RPMs
  • mcollective-client
  • rubygem-openshift-origin-msg-broker-mcollective
On the MCollective server (OpenShift node) host, install these RPMs
  • mcollective
  • openshift-origin-msg-node-mcollective

Secrets and more Secrets

As with all secure network services, messaging requires authentication. Messaging has a twist though. You need two sets of authentication information, because, underneath, you're actually using two services. When you send a message to an end-point, the end point has to be assured that you are someone who is allowed to send messages. Like with a letter, having some secret code or signature so that you can be sure the letter isn't forged.

Now imagine a special private mail system. Before the mail carrier will accept a letter, you have to give them the secret handshake so that they know you're allowed to send letters. On the delivery end, the mail carrier requires not just a signature but a password before handing over the letter.

That's how authentication works for messaging systems.

When I set up the ActiveMQ service I didn't create a separate user for writing to the queue (sending a letter) and for reading (receiving) but I probably should have. As it is, getting a message from the OpenShift broker to an OpenShift node through MCollective and ActiveMQ requires two passwords and one username.

  • mcollective endpoint secret
  • ActiveMQ username
  • ActiveMQ password

The ActiveMQ values will have to match those I set on the ActiveMQ message broker in the previous post. The MCollective end point secret is only placed in the MCollective configuration files. You'll see those soon.

MCollective Client (OpenShift Broker)

The OpenShift broker service sends messages to the OpenShift nodes. All of the messages (currently) originate at the broker. This means that the nodes need to have a process running which connects to the message broker and registers to receive MColletive messages.

Client configuration: client.cfg

The MCollective client is (predictably) configured using the /etc/mcollective/client.cfg file. For the purpose of connecting to the message broker, only the connector plugin values are interesting, and for end-to-end communications I need the securityprovider plugin as well. The values related to logging are useful debugging too.

# Basic stuff
topicprefix     = /topic/
main_collective = mcollective
collectives     = mcollective
libdir          = /usr/libexec/mcollective
loglevel        = log   # just for testing, normally 'info'

# Plugins
securityprovider = psk
plugin.psk       = mcsecret

# Middleware
connector         = stomp =
plugin.stomp.port = 61613
plugin.stomp.user = mcollective
plugin.stomp.user = marionette

NOTE:if you're running on RHEL6 or CentOS 6 instead of Fedora you're going to be using the SCL version of Ruby and hence MCollective. The file is then at the SCL location:


Now I can test connections to the ActiveMQ message broker, though without any servers connected, it won't be very exciting (I hope).

Testing client connections

MCollective provides a command line tool for sending messages: mco . mco is capable of several other 'meta' operations as well. The one I'm interested in first is 'mco ping'. With mco ping I can verify the connection to the ActiveMQ service (via the Stomp protocol) .

The default configuration file is owned by root and is not readable by ordinary users. This is because it contains plain-text passwords (There are ways to avoid this, but that's for another time). This means I have to either run mco commands as root, or create a config file that is readable. I'm going to use sudo to run my commands as root.

The mco ping command connects to the messaging service and asks all available MCollective servers to respond. Since I haven't connected any yet, I won't get any answers, but I can at least see that I'm able to connect to the message broker, send queries. If all goes well I should get a nice message saying "no one answered".

sudo mco ping

---- ping statistics ----
No responses received

If that's what you got, feel free to skip down to the MCollective Server section.

Debugging client-side configuration errors

There are a couple of obvious possible errors:
  1. Incorrect broker host
  2. broker service not answering
  3. Incorrect messaging username/password
The first two will appear the same to the MCollective client. Check the simple stuff first. If I'm sure that the host is correct then I'll have to diagnose the problem on the other (and write another blog post). Here's how that looks:

sudo mco ping
connect to localhost failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry(#0) in 5
connect to localhost failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry(#1) in 5
connect to localhost failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry(#2) in 5
The ping application failed to run, use -v for full error details: Could not connect to Stomp Server: 

Note the message Could not connect to the Stomp Server.

If you get this message, check these on the OpenShift broker host:

  1. The value is correct
  2. The plugin.stomp.port value is correct
  3. The host value resolves to an IP address in DNS
  4. The ActiveMQ host can be reached from the OpenShift Broker host (by ping or SSH)
  5. You can connect to Stomp port on the ActiveMQ broker host
    telnet 61613 (yes, telnet is a useful tool) 

If all of these are correct, then look on the ActiveMQ message broker host:

  1. The ActiveMQ service is running
  2. The Stomp transport TCP ports match the plugin.stomp.port value
  3. The host firewall is allowing inbound connections on the Stomp port

The third possibility indicates an information or configuration mismatch between the MCollective client configuration and the ActiveMQ server.  That will look like this:

sudo mco ping
transmit to failed: Broken pipe
connection.receive returning EOF as nil - resetting connection.
connect to localhost failed: Broken pipe will retry(#0) in 5

The ping application failed to run, use -v for full error details: Stomp::Error::NoCurrentConnection

You can get even more gory details by changing the client.cfg to set the log level to debug and send the log output to the console:

loglevel = debug # instead of 'log' or 'info'
logger_type = console # instead of 'file', or 'syslog' or unset (no logging)

I'll spare you what that looks like here.

MCollective Server (OpenShift Node)

The mcollective server is a process that connects to a message broker, subscribes to (registers to receive messages from) one or more topics and then listens for incoming messages. When it accepts a message, the mcollective server passes it to a plugin module for execution and then returns any response.  All OpenShift node hosts run an MCollective server which connects to one or more of the ActiveMQ message brokers.

Configure the MCollective service daemon: server.cfg 

I bet you have already guessed that the MCollective server configuration file is /etc/mcollective/server.cfg

# Basic stuff
topicprefix     = /topic/
main_collective = mcollective
collectives     = mcollective
libdir          = /usr/libexec/mcollective
logfile         = /var/log/mcollective.log
loglevel        = debug # just for setup, normally 'info'
daemonize       = 1
classesfile     = /var/lib/puppet/state/classes.txt

# Plugins
securityprovider = psk
plugin.psk       = mcsecret

# Registration
registerinterval = 300
registration     = Meta

# Middleware
connector         = stomp =
plugin.stomp.port = 61613
plugin.stomp.user = mcollective
plugin.stomp.password = marionette

plugin.nrpe.conf_dir  = /etc/nrpe.d

# Facts
factsource = yaml
plugin.yaml = /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml

NOTE: again the mcollective config files will be in /opt/rh/ruby193/root/etc/mcollective/ if you are running on RHEL or CentOS.

The server configuration looks pretty similar to the client.cfg. The securityprovider plugin must have the same values, because that's how the server knows that it can accept a message from the clients. The plugin.stomp.* values are the same as well, allowing the MCollective server to connect to the ActiveMQ service on the message broker host. It's really a good idea for the logfile value to be set so that you can observe the incoming messages and their responses. The loglevel is set to debug to start so that I can see all the details of the connection process. Finally the daemonize value is set to 1 so that the mcollectived will run as a service.

The mcollectived will complain if the YAML file does not exist or if the Meta registration plugin is not installed and selected. Comment those out for now. They're out of scope for this post.

Running the MCollective service

When you're satisfied with the configuration, start the mcollective service and verify that it is running:

sudo service mcollective start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  mcollective.service
ps -ef | grep mcollective
root     13897     1  5 19:37 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/ruby-mri /usr/sbin/mcollectived --config=/etc/mcollective/server.cfg --pidfile=/var/run/

You should be able to confirm the connection to the ActiveMQ server in the log.

sudo tail /var/log/mcollective.log 
I, [2013-09-19T19:53:21.317197 #16544]  INFO -- : mcollectived:31:in `
' The Marionette Collective 2.2.3 started logging at info level I, [2013-09-19T19:53:21.349798 #16551] INFO -- : stomp.rb:124:in `initialize' MCollective 2.2.x will be the last to fully support the 'stomp' connector, please migrate to the 'activemq' or 'rabbitmq' connector I, [2013-09-19T19:53:21.357215 #16551] INFO -- : stomp.rb:82:in `on_connecting' Connection attempt 0 to stomp:// I, [2013-09-19T19:53:21.418225 #16551] INFO -- : stomp.rb:87:in `on_connected' Conncted to stomp:// ...

If you see that, you can skip down again to the next section, MCollective End-to-End

Debugging MCollective Server Connection Errors

Again the two most likely problems are that the host or the stomp plugin are mis-configured.

sudo tail /var/log/mcollective.log
I, [2013-09-19T20:05:50.943144 #18600]  INFO -- : stomp.rb:82:in `on_connecting' Connection attempt 1 to stomp://
I, [2013-09-19T20:05:50.944172 #18600]  INFO -- : stomp.rb:97:in `on_connectfail' Connection to stomp:// failed on attempt 1
I, [2013-09-19T20:05:51.264456 #18600]  INFO -- : stomp.rb:82:in `on_connecting' Connection attempt 2 to stomp://

If I see this, I need to check the same things I would have for the client connection. On the MCollective server host:

  • is correct
  • plugin.stomp.port matches Stomp transport TCP port on the ActiveMQ service
  • Hostname resolves to an IP address
  • ActiveMQ host can be reached from the MCollective client host (ping or SSH)

On the ActiveMQ message broker:

  • ActiveMQ service is running
  • Any firewall rules allow inbound connections to the Stomp TCP port
The other likely error is username/password mismatch. If you see this in your mcollective logs, check the ActiveMQ user configuration and compare it to your mcollective server plugin.stomp.user and plugin.stomp.password values.

I, [2013-09-19T20:15:13.655366 #20240]  INFO -- : stomp.rb:82:in `on_connecting'
 Connection attempt 0 to stomp://
I, [2013-09-19T20:15:13.700844 #20240]  INFO -- : stomp.rb:87:in `on_connected' 
Conncted to stomp://
E, [2013-09-19T20:15:13.729497 #20240] ERROR -- : stomp.rb:102:in `on_miscerr' U
nexpected error on connection stomp:// es_trans: transmit
 to failed: Broken pipe

MCollective End-to-End

Now that I have both the MCollective client and server configured to connect to the ActiveMQ message broker I can confirm the connection end to end. Remember that 'mco ping' command I used earlier? When there are connected servers, they should answer the ping request.

 sudo mco ping time=138.60 ms

---- ping statistics ----
1 replies max: 138.60 min: 138.60 avg: 138.60 

OpenShift Node 'plugin' agent

Now I'm sure that both MCollective and ActiveMQ are working end-to-end between the OpenShift broker and node. But there's no "OpenShift" in there yet.  I'm going to add that now.

There are three packages that specifically deal with MCollective and interaction with OpenShift:

  • openshift-origin-msg-common.noarch (misnamed, specifically mcollective)
  • rubygem-openshift-origin-msg-broker-mcollective
  • openshift-origin-msg-node-mcollective.noarch

The first package defines the messaging protocol for OpenShift.  It includes interface specifications for all of the messages, their arguments and expected outputs.  This is used on both the MCollective client and server side to produce and validate the OpenShift messages. The broker package defines the interface that the OpenShift broker (a Rails application) uses to generate messages to the nodes and process the returns. The node package defines how the node will respond when it receives each message.

The OpenShift node also requires several plugins that, while not required for messaging per-se, will cause the OpenShift agent to fail if they are not present
  • rubygem-openshift-origin-frontend-nodejs-websocket
  • rubygem-openshift-origin-frontend-apache-mod-rewrite
  • rubygem-openshift-origin-container-selinux
When these packages are installed on the OpenShift broker and node, mco will have a new set of messages available. MCollective calls added sets of messages... (OVERLOAD!) 'plugins'.  So, to see the available message plugins, use mco plugin doc.  To see the messages in the openshift plugin, use mco plugin doc openshift.

Mcollective client: mco

I've used mco previously just to send a ping message from a client to the servers.  This just collects a list of the MCollective servers listening. The mco command can also send complete messages to remote agents.  Now I need to learn how to determine what agents and messages are available and how to send them a message.  Specifically, the OpenShift agent has an echo message which simply returns a string which was sent in the message.  Now that all of the required OpenShift messaging components are installed, I should be able to tickle the OpenShift agent on the node from the broker.  This is what it looks like when it works properly:

sudo mco rpc openshift echo msg=foo
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1

 * [ ========================================================> ] 1 / 1 
   Message: foo
      Time: nil

Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 25.49 ms

As you might expect, this has more than its fair share of interesting failure modes.  The most likely thing you'll see from the mco command is this:

sudo mco rpc openshift echo msg=foo
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 0

No request sent, we did not discover any nodes.

This isn't very informative, but it does at least indicate that the message was sent and nothing answered. Now I have to look at the MCollective server logs to see what happened. After setting the loglevel to 'debug' in /etc/mcollective/server.cfg, restarting the mcollective service and re-trying the mco rpc command, I can find this in the log file:

sudo grep openshift /var/log/mcollective.log 
D, [2013-09-20T14:18:05.864489 #31618] DEBUG -- : agents.rb:104:in `block in findagentfile' Found openshift at /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/openshift.rb
D, [2013-09-20T14:18:05.864637 #31618] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:167:in `loadclass' Loading MCollective::Agent::Openshift from mcollective/agent/openshift.rb
E, [2013-09-20T14:18:06.360415 #31618] ERROR -- : pluginmanager.rb:171:in `rescue in loadclass' Failed to load MCollective::Agent::Openshift: error loading openshift-origin-container-selinux: cannot load such file -- openshift-origin-container-selinux
E, [2013-09-20T14:18:06.360633 #31618] ERROR -- : agents.rb:71:in `rescue in loadagent' Loading agent openshift failed: error loading openshift-origin-container-selinux: cannot load such file -- openshift-origin-container-selinux
D, [2013-09-20T14:18:13.741055 #31618] DEBUG -- : base.rb:120:in `block (2 levels) in validate_filter?' Failing based on agent openshift
D, [2013-09-20T14:18:13.741175 #31618] DEBUG -- : base.rb:120:in `block (2 levels) in validate_filter?' Failing based on agent openshift

It turns out that the reason those three additional packages are requires is that they provide facters to MCollective. Facter is a tool which gathers a raft of information about a system and makes it quickly available to MCollective. The rubygem-openshift-origin-node package adds some facter code, but those facters will fail if the additional packages aren't present. If you do the "install everything" these resolve automatically, but if you install and test things piecemeal as I am they show up as missing requirements.

After I add those packages I can send an echo message and get a successful reply.  If you can discover the MCollective servers from the client with mco ping, but can't get a response to an mco rpc openshift echo message, then the most likely problem is that the OpenShift node packages are missing or misconfigured. Check the logs and address what you find.

Finally! (sort of)

At this point, I'm confident that the Stomp and MCollective services are working and that the OpenShift agent is installed on the node and will at least respond to the echo message.  I was going to also include testing through the Rails console, but this has gone on long enough.  That's next.
